Andrea DelSanto assumes duties as new HOA Secretary

Andrea DelSanto offically assumed the duties as acting Secretary of the Meadow Walk Home Owners Association on Sunday, April 1st, “No Fooling!” Andrea returns to the board at the request of acting President Joe Stewart and will take over the duties of outgoing Secretary Betsy Dane. On behalf of the Board and the entire community we would like to thank Betsy Dane for her over five years of voluntary service to the Meadow Walk community.

Chaz Allen Takes Over as MW’s New Treasurer

The first of four scheduled Home Owners Association board meetings was held last evening at the Fruitville library. The Board would like to thank everyone of the residents who took the time out of there busy schedules to attend.

Chaz Allen will assume all as duties Meadow Walk’s Treasurer. The Board voted to have Chaz assume those duties at last month’s interim meeting held on Feb, 21st. Betsy Dane, who’s been holding down both the Secretary and Treasurer’s spot on the Board will continue in her role as Secretary. Chaz has volunteered to spearhead the HOA’s newest undertaking, the converting of it’s financial records into an online database that will be linked to this website. This will enable all residents to have instant access to the Association’s financial records online.The Minutes of that meeting are available for on-line viewing. click here

Emergency Meeting Draws Unexpected Large Turnout

2/22/07 A meeting was held last Evening, Wed, Feb., 21st at Chaz Allen’s home.(1005 Meadow Breeze Lane), That meeting produced an unexpectedly large turnout considering the meetings short scheduling notice. The meeting was called to discuss pressing issues such as speeding, parking violations, and other items recently brought to the board’s attention. The Minites of that Meeting will be posted on this website as soon as they become available. The board would like to thank all those who attended. Overall the meeting was a very positive experence. More information on that meeting will follow.

New HOA Payment Booklets Mailed

The New Meadow Walk HOA Payment Booklets have been mailed. You’ve most likely received yours by now, if not please let us know by contacting any board member. You’ll notice there are no return envelopes in this years package as in past years, that’s because the Bank, who handles that for us has changed their procedure. What you’ll find instead are self adhesive address stickers in the back of the booklet. Our payments are now going directly to the Bank instead of a P.O. Box, this is a procedure change by Peoples Community Bank that allows them to easily handle their accounting functions and place the funds more quickly into our account.

Association’s 07′ Meeting Schedule Announced

All scheduled meetings will be held at the Fruitville branch of the Sarasota Public Library and begin at 7 p.m.

3/21/07 This first of four Meadow Walk HOA meetings will be held on 3/21/07 at the Sarasota Public Library.

JUNE 07′
6/26/07 This second of four Meadow Walk HOA meetings was held on 6/26/07 at the Sarasota Public Library.

SEPT 07′
9/26/07. This thrid of four Meadow Walk HOA meetings will be held on 9/26/07 at the Sarasota Public Library.

DEC 07′
12/19/07 The Annual Meadow Walk HOA meeting will be held on 12/19/07 at the Sarasota Public Library.

Meadow Walk’s 06′ Annual HOA Meeting is in the Books!

The 2006 Meadow Walk Annual HOA meeting was called to order at 7:25 P.M. this evening at the Fruitville branch of the Sarasota Public Library.

Agenda: The Minutes of the last Annual Meeting were read and approved, followed by a Treasurer’s Report and Presentation of the 2007 Budget by Betsy Dane. Diane Treharne then gave a report on the current status of our wetlands. This followed by a call for New Business after which the Election of Directors proceeded. Ballots were tallied up to fill the three open seats on the HOA Board.

Betsy Dane and Joe Stewart were both re-elected to new two year terms while Chaz Allen, was elected for a first term to the board. The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 P.M. and was followed by a short meeting of the Board that was called to order at 8:05 PM. The purpose of the meeting was to establish the officers of the Board for the coming year.

Stewart will continue as President for a second term. Diane Treharne assumes the office of Vice President replacing Andrea DelSanto. Betsy Dane will again volunteer her services as Secretary/Treasurer and Eddie Martin will continue in his capacity as Director of Grounds Maintenance. Diane Treharne should be recognized for the incredible job she did this past year in finding a replacement for our former landscaping company and also for spearheading the efforts to revitalize our wetlands. To Betsy, Eddie and Diane, thank you for all your time and effort.

We’d like to take this opportunity to thank Andrea DelSanto for her outstanding service to the entire Meadow Walk community the past two years. She did a marvelous job putting together the Meadow Walk Directory and the Quarterly Newsletter. Although officially no longer a board member, Andrea has graciously volunteered to continue helping with these efforts.

Meadow Walk Hires New Lawn Maintenance Company

Effective Wednesday, Sept. 20th Family Lawn Care will take over the maintenance of Meadow Walk’s common ground areas. After repeated attempts to have McKenzie Signature & Landscaping, our present lawn care company, improve the quality of their work, and abide by the terms of their contract the board voted to replace McKenzie at Wednesday nights HOA meeting. Family Lawn Care submitted a proposal detailing the services they’ll provide, the proposal was voted on and approved at the HOA meeting held on Wednesday, Sept., 13th. Family Lawn Care comes to us highly recommended and have an outstanding reputation in the Sarasota area.
The board would like to thank Diane Treharne for all her efforts in this matter. We would also like to thank Eddie Martin for his continued diligence in over seeing the maintenance of Meadow Walks landscaping and general appearance. Both your efforts are greatly appreciated by the entire community.

It has recently come to the Board’s attention that Waste Management has been doing a horrendous job of trash collection in our neighborhood. I’m sure you have all noticed the thrown trash cans and littered streets when you arrived home on Tuesday afternoons. We have lodged a complaint but would like to encourage each resident to do the same. You can register a written complaint on and/or a verbal complaint at 941-924-1154.

Sarasota County has changed lawn watering days. Effective immediately, odd-numbered houses are no longer to water on Sundays, but on Thursdays. The news said there will be fines for those who do not adhere to the new schedule. Even-numbered houses will continued to water on Tuesdays. Irrigation is prohibited from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., except irrigation with recycled wastewater, which is allowed any time, any day. Reclaimed water users must comply with the time of use restrictions. There is no limit to the number of days that reclaimed water irrigation may occur. Hand watering of plants, excluding lawns, is permitted any day. Cars may be washed anytime, as long as a hand held hose with a shut-off nozzle is used. Rinsing boats and flushing boat motors is allowed for 10 minutes daily.

The clean up and refurbishing of our wetlands continues. The water in the lakes is finally high enough, tilapia are gone and most of the west indies grass is dead. Plants are being chosen for the shelf and will be planted in a couple of weeks. We’ve signed a contract to clean up the existing wetland buffer, perform selective spraying and then proceed in the removal of invasive species. We will then undertake a monthly maintenance program to control it so it does again get out of hand again.

The total cost to the HOA will be $1200 for the initial work and then $50 per month to maintain our wetlands. The wetland area has to be brought back to it’s original size by the landscapers. The long grass surrounding this area is just that, grass. They keep getting further and further away from the original line. We will work with the landscaping company to show them what needs to be done.

We on the board would like to thank fellow member Diane Treharne for all her tireless efforts in spearheading this project.

That being said, we again wanted to take this opportunity to remind all of you about a few things that continue to be brought to the boards attention:

• Please remember to be careful when driving through the neighborhood – the children are back in school, the speed limit in Meadow Walk is 20 mph! Please remind your visitors, too, that they should drive slowly.

• Please check your post-lights after dark to be sure they are working properly. Also, don’t forget to adjust any timers for landscaping lights – you’ll save energy costs by setting them for later in the evening.

• As always, a reminder – you must keep your dogs leashed when on or off your property, and always pick up after them!

• Please remove all ladders and construction material from the roofs of vehicles when parked overnight.

• There is absolutely no renting of any space within any home. The association documents are clear as to the procedure regarding leases. We need to know who is living here, and no one may sub-let or rent any portion of his or her home to anyone. Renting of entire homes is allowable, under the guidelines of the “Declarations of Maintenance and Land Use Provisions”, Section 4.2.

Finally, we’d like to extend our welcome to all of our new residents. Meadow Walk is a great place to live.

Community Notes


Tues., Mar. 4, 2025,
Wed., June 4, 2025
Tues., Sept. 9, 2024
Annual Meeting (TBA)

All meetings begin at 6 pm at the Fruitville Library

Please Do Not Feed Wildlife

It has been brought to our attention that some Meadow Walk residents have been observed feeding wildlife. Here, in Florida, it is illegal to feed Manatees, Sand Hill Cranes, Raccoons, Foxes and Alligators.     

Pick Up After Your Dog

Remember, dogs must be kept on leashes at all times. Please abide by this rule for the safety of your dog, your neighbors, and your neighbor’s dogs. Even a friendly dog could endanger a child on a bike or scooter, and don’t forget to pick up after your dog.


Any vehicles with commercial advertising must be stored in the garage for overnight parking. Ladders must be removed from work vehicles for overnight parking.

Our subdivision is scheduled for trash and recycling pick-up on Tuesdays. According to Waste Management and Sarasota County, no trash is to be placed curbside until 4:00 pm the day before pick-up.

Please check your post lights.

Painting Your Home?

If you are considering painting the exterior of your house any color other that the original, you must first receive approval from the Modification Committee. If you are interested in looking at the approved Meadow Walk colors please contact the Board of Directors, the Modification Committee, or see the Construction Guidelines for specific details.

Parking / Mailboxes

Please remember, there is no parking allowed on the grass anywhere in the Meadow Walk Subdivision. Although you are legally allowed to park vehicles at curbside we urge you to try and avoid parking overnight on the street for safety reasons. Please refer to the Meadow Walk By-Laws for specific details.

We’ve received a friendly request from our mail carrier asking that residents not block the mailboxes. This includes parking in front of or too close to the box.

Do Not Feed Alligators