Sarasota County Planning and Development Services wants you to know that a property owner you has applied for Special Exception Petition No. 1866 to allow an Elementary, Middle, or High School in the OUR (Open Use Rural, 1 unit/10 acres) Zone District to create a PRIVATE SCHOOL that will include Outdoor Areas and MODULAR CLASSROOMS. The students will range from Pre-Kindergarten to Eighth Grade with a maximum of 150 Students.
The Planning Commission will hold a Public Hearing beginning ay 5:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible, on July 20, 2023, at the County Administration Center, Commission Chamber, 1600 Ringling Blvd., Sarasota, Florida.
You are invited to appear, be heard, and submit relevant evidence. Copies of the petition and supporting documents are available durning normal business hours in the Planning and Development Services Department at 1600 Ringling Blvd., Sarasota, Florida. Copies of the petition and supporting documents will be available to view or download at, (Keyword: “Planning Commission”) the FRIDAY PRIOR to the PUBLIC HEARING.
You are invited to comment on the request by attending the public hearing or submitting your written comments to:
Planning and Development Services Department, 1600 Ringling Blvd., Sarasota, FL 34236 – 941-861-5000, TTY -1-1 or 1-800-955-8771