HOA Budget Meeting Scheduled for 6 p.m. Tues. Nov. 14

As many of you have noticed, the Meadow Walk HOA Board will be holding a meeting at the Fruitville Library on November 14, 2023, at 6:00 pm. The purpose of this meeting is to set the budget for the calendar year 2024. You are invited to attend. You can have input by...

HOA Meeting Agenda for Wed., Sept 13th, 2023

MEADOW WALK HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION HOA MEETING AGENDA: Wed., Sept. 13, 2023 Fruitville Public Library | 6:00 p.m. Call to order/quorum Approval of Minutes of June 14, 2023, Meeting Financial Report Wall Painting Repair No Trespassing Signs (to be discussed) Front Deck...

Minutes for June 14th, 2023 HOA Meeting

6:00 pm: Joe Stewart opened the meeting. Mary Lynn Endter, Vivia Martin, Nick Stine, Craig Rapihana, and by phone Nancy Woodrow, were present, representing a quorum. In addition, Diane Treharne and LaNae Duchesneau attended. Meeting Minutes: The minutes of the Board...


Sarasota County Planning and Development Services wants you to know that a property owner you has applied for Special Exception Petition No. 1866 to allow an Elementary, Middle, or High School in the OUR (Open Use Rural, 1 unit/10 acres) Zone District to create a...