Mar 22, 2011 | Community Notes
This 300+ acre site is owned by Sarasota County and is the County’s primary flood mitigation zone. It is managed by the division of Storm Water and Sarasota County Parks & Recreation. The Sarasota County Department of Transportation is also involved in its...
Mar 15, 2011 | Meadow Walk News
The new hill in the Celery Fields regional stormwater facility, east of Interstate 75, was built from excavating stormwater retention ponds. The “recycled” soil was transported across Palmer Boulevard and used to create the large hill. Some trees will be...
Mar 8, 2011 | Community Notes
Voters will decide today who will fill three of the five seats on the Sarasota City Commission. Polls for the non-partisan election are open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. For information about your polling place, call 861-8600 or go to In District 1, which...
Feb 17, 2011 | Meadow Walk News
The new 2010 census numbers don’t come out until March, but we thought we’d give you a little insight into who we are, and how we live. We’ve scoured the Internet on a quest to hunt down and harvest the most accurate information a string of Google searches...
Feb 13, 2011 | Meadow Walk News
As some of you know, those crazy creatives at the HuB are up to their antics again. First they wanted to help entrepreneurs, artists and unemployed professionals build new businesses in our region – and then they went off and attracted thousands of people to...