Minutes: 03/30/2011

March 30, 2011, 6:30 PM at the Fruitville Branch of the Sarasota Public Library

Directors Present: Gary Walsh, La Nae Duchesneau, David Bennett, Betsy Dane, Tomas Jasek: Meeting called to order at 6:35 p.m.

Opening Statements-
Gary opened meeting by stating that the minutes from all previous meetongs are available for online viewing on the Meadow Walk website. We discussed the Modification Committee and asked for volunteers.

Betsy dane is working on a master list of those living in the community and getting up to date information including phone numbers and emails.
And by the way thank you Betsy for creating and delivering our newsletter last month, it was nice to have it back!

Some of the things mention at the meeting were we need to cut the oak tree around the light, that the light is not lighting the street due to the heavy foliage. Gary was going to call the county as they are supposed to maintain the trees.

John spoke of the security cameras at the front entrance and gave us options but it was decided the cost doesn't justify the project.

Mailbox posts are supposed to be tan with a white cap. It was mentioned to have them painted, it was seconded, voted on and passed. At this point it has been completed.

Modification Committee-
At lease three people are required as a minium for the committee. Vivia Martin, Janet Daley, and Joe Stewart volunteered. Betsy Dane will act as the Board Liaison to the Modification Committee.

Renters in the neighborhood-
We slso discussed rentals in the neighborhood. We now have a form for those who want to rent out their house. The paperwork will cost $100 to process.

Front Wall-
The front wall is looking good. We are due for our yearly power washing. A walk was done along the wall and there are no cracks.

Front Entrance-
We asked for volunteers to brainstorm ideas for our front entrance and to meet with contractors and get ideas from them and possible pictures to be voted on at the June Meeting. Joe Stewart, Dave and Rita Bennett, Erin Cooper, David Grissom and Tom and Melissa Quinlan volunteered.

Open fourm-
It was discussed and agreeded to have a tag sale on April 16th. It was also discussed and agreeded to have a neighborhood potluck and get together. Date to be announced.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m.