Minutes: 03/30/2009

March 30, 2009, 6:30 PM at the Fruitville Branch of the SarasotaPpublic Library

Directors Present: Gary Walsh, Joe Stewart, Janet Dunay, Shana Bickel, Dolly Fenix
Called to order at 6:30 p.m.

Also Attending: Nancy Dellaccio, Vivia Martin, Betsy Dane, Sue Ward, Diane Treharne, Sally Born, Steve Dunay

1.0 Secretary’s Report:

1.1 Minutes of the last meeting held, which was the Annual Meeting of December 17, 2009, was asked to be read. Besty Dane made a point however, that those minutes should only be read and approved at the next Annual Meeting in December 2009. The point was taken and reading dispensed with. Mrs. Dane also called attention to the matter of the 2008 Annual Meeting minutes’ very late posting on the website. Dolly Fenix acknowledged herself as being the cause for this delay.

1.2 Communications received the first quarter:

a.) The Meadow Walk Association received SWFWMD’s Phase III water emergency restriction guide for citizens of the Unincoporated Sarasota County area of which we are a part . Restrictions are :

• No irrigation at anytime on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday

• Irrigation allowed on TUESDAYS for house addresses ending with an even number (0, 2, 4, 6, 8)

• Irrigation allowed on THURSDAYS for house addresses ending with an odd number (1, 3, 5, 7, 9)

• Irrigation or handwatering is prohibited on any day from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. for properties under 2 acres.

• Property owners should ensure irrigation timers and run times do not exceed past Midnight on their allowable watering day and timers be adjusted for daylight saving time beginning and ending.

• Irrigation or handwatering is prohibited between 10 a.m. and 4p.m. for properties greater than 2 acres in size.

• Excessive water run off property is prohibited including sprinklers spraying into street or other non-landscaped area.

• An irrigation system operating during or soon after a substantial rainfall is prohibited by both state law and county code and subject to an immediate $100. citation.

• Other prohibitions: cleaning driveways with water; wasteful use; allowing hoses to run with no shut off nozzle; unattended leaks in hose or faucets.
Please consult your own copy of these new guidlines issued March 10, 2009 for other details.

b.) Re-order forms for financial-related matters will be turned over to the Treasurer, Shana Bickel.

c.) On the third week of February collection letters were sent by registered mail to residents, who of that date had overdue payments for 2009. Nine of these were returned to the association because of having been refused acknowedgement by the addressees. We would not have to resort to such added mailing expenses if residents take more initiative to send payments of their own volition.

d.) A number of emails and one mailed letter was received by the president expressing disgruntlement about the issue of homeowners dues being raised and the collection schedule accelerated. It can only be explained again, as was discussed and approved at the 2008 annual meeting, that (i) the association’s financial situation warranted an increase to stabilize and ensure the community’s operations; (ii.) this increased annual dues of $600 are among the least and reasonable for the vicinity (iii.) this rate will be evaluated after the year’s expenses have been fully met, to see if this increased rate continues or if a decrease might be possible. The Board fully emphatizes with the difficulty that some residents face, but their answerablity to the whole community does not allow the Board to not exercise the necessary actions in these matters.

Discussion: V. Martin asked that the issue of fines for late dues be clarified. G. Walsh explained that the $600. annual dues could be paid in one lumpsum on January1st,....or for this year, residents can choose to pay semi-annually:$300 due on January 1st, and the next $300. due on July 1st. Any payments not received by the due date shall incur interest thereafter at 18% per annum per “Article III Section 3.5” approved and recorded “November 26, 2001”. The Board has the option to impose the approved level of fines to help defray the destabilization while payments are still pending. S. Ward said that in the beginning residents voted on amendments to have dues payable quarterly. G. Walsh explained that these amendments are not recorded in the association documents downtown. N. Dellaccio then brought out that the current Board has the option to have any better schedule of dues payments duly processed and recorded, or continue with going with the original schedule in the association’s by-laws.

2.0 Treasurer’s Report:

Since the Treasurer was still held up in traffic, G. Walsh reported for Shana Bickel that the Meadow Walk has a current balance of $18,557.06. The association is now back to being in a secure situation for this period. This due in large part to residents who sent in their full annual dues of $600. last January. Only 4 homes have not paid any dues for 2009. If the rest of the semi-annual payees stay on schedule by July we will be able to manage this year with good safety margins. A number of the registered letters of collection impressed the recipients of the seriousness of the need for their response and elicited their action.

However we still need to be on top of the collectibles because of foreclosures. The 45 day limit to impose a lien is coming up on 2 homes that are being foreclosed. The association is

However we still need to be on top of the collectibles because of foreclosures. The 45 day limit to impose a lien is coming up on 2 homes that are being foreclosed. The association is following the statutes that require that collection letters be sent by registered mail. If the notice of collection of dues is not responded to with a payment, or refused receipt of the next step is taken. After 45 days another registered letter is be sent informing the homeowner of the intended lien that is being imposed on the property. The lien imposed is good for 12 months. After which another processing begins.

3.0 Modifications Committee Report:

There were no requests received by the modifications committee during the first quarter.

4.0 Old Business:

4.1 Maintenance of the Littoral Shelf and the lakes and ponds:

a.) Jim Henslick’s January report cited that we still have the tilapia problem in our ponds and that the one drying out has to be filled with water. Under his maintenance service we don’t seem to be fulfilling the requirements of SWFWMD and the county completely. We are left with continuing issues. It was unanimously approved that we engage the services of another environmental maintenance group. A letter to this effect will be sent to Mr. Henslick informing him that April 2009 is the last month of his services to Meadow Walk.

b.) Joe Stewart presented the proposal of the Aquatic Solutions group, who had a more comprehensive coverage of services on top of a better quotation of fees. They also had the recommendation of three other communities. It was unanimously approved that Aquatic Solutions be engaged on behalf of Meadow Walk. They will be informed that their services will be engaged by May 1st.

4.2 Maintenance of the community grounds and common landscaping:

A proposal was received from the A-1 Yard service group. They offered a very competitive array of services and costs that included the maintenance of the palm trees in the common landscape areas, cutting, weeding, feritilization and an irrigation person that could be called when necessary. Their coverage for insurance and compensations will be requested. It was unanimously approved that their service plans be considered for possible engagement on behalf of the community. Follow up will be done by Gary Walsh.

4.3 Supervision of the youth in the commiunity: There was discussion of episodes of youth in our community using other residences’ driveways as skateboard ramps or basketball hoop sites. Their parents and the youth concerned have to be reminded that this is not acceptable unless the home or resident of that particular place specifically invited them to play there.

4.4 Residents must also be reminded again of walking their dogs on leashes and their pets litter picked up by the owner.

5.0 New Business:

5.1 There were requests for a Spring Garage Sale sometime in April. This request was approved by the Board for April 25th. Janet Dunay will make the flyers and she and Dolly Fenix will walk them around to the homes.

5.2 Business Insurance Package for the Association: There is a current 3 year package with The Cincinnati Insurance Company in place until June 29, 2009. Janet will review our insurance files and the Board will take steps towards renewal with the former company or a new one.

5.3 The Board approved the request of the homeowners of the western side of our development that they intend to place “No Trespassing” signs to prevent entry from the Palmer sidewalk onto the western easement that includes part of their private property. The sign will state county statute 810.09.

5.4 Betsy Dane volunteered to re-activate the Meadow Walk Newsletter with her daughter’s help. The Board accepted her offer and stipulated that she submit the final copy of the Newsletter before prooducing it for distribution to Meadow Walk residents.

There being no other matters to discuss. The meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m.