Minutes: 05/21/2008

May 21, 2008, 6:30 PM at the Fruitville Branch of the SarasotaPpublic Library

Directors Present: Gary Walsh, Joe Stewart, Dolly Fenix, LaNae Duchesneau
Called to order at 6:30 p.m.

1.0 Secretary’s Report:

1.1 Minutes from the last meeting on Feb 28, 2008 were approved at 6:40 p.m.

1.2 Communications via email were acknowledged from the following residents: Deb Salisbury, Janet Dunay. Matters pertaining to these communications were taken up at the appropriate part of the agenda.

1.2.1 Gary Walsh reported that the Meadow Walk Treasury is in good shape. Homeowner’s dues accounts are up-to-date as of the first quarter of 2008, to include one delinquent account payment.

Discussion: Deb Salisbury noted that the by-laws state that annual dues should be paid by January 1, and considered late as of February 1 of the current year. This matter will be studied to resolve the issue in a manner consistent with the by-laws, as well as being equitably considerate of the homeowners.

2.1.2 Delinquent Accounts: A case for collection is being filed with the small claims court on the two remaining delinquent accounts, which properties have been foreclosed. These properties have been liened by the Meadow Walk HOA. The paperwork for these claims is simple enough, and hopefully a hasty and efficient resolution can be done by arbitration. The HOA has to exercise all its options as all funds are needed to ensure operational viability. To protect the HOA‘s interests Deb Salisbury suggested that no liens are released or cancelled until all the legal documents have been filed and the monies due have cleared deposit at the HOA’s bank.

3.0 Modifications Committee Report: There were no members of the Modificaiton Committee present.

3.1 Mail Box Posts A follow-up reminder on the mailboxes, the standard white mailboxes are the norm. The mailbox posts, if they are to be repainted have to match the color of our concrete wall. Residents can ask for some of the leftover wall paint from Gary Walsh or Joe Stewart.

3.2 New Business: Vandalism at the front entrance on the mature philodendrons located on the center island destroying years of growth just a few days ago. The neighborhood is advised to be vigilant. We need to identify these perpetrators and put a stop to incidents like these..

4.0 Other New Business:

4.1 Excessive noise from cars and motorcycles late at night: These disturbances are still happening at even more noticeable levels. These noise disturbances are in violation of county statutes (Code of Ordinances, County of Sarasots, Chapter 54: Sections 54 - 118 Sound Control). The sources of these vehicular noise can be identified and these homes shall be notified. It was suggested that a general reminder be sent to all residents so that everyone is aware of what they might be in violation of, and for neighbors to help encourage and foster cooperation in this matter.

4.2 Notice/Reminder: To the whole neighborhood regarding matters taken up at the meeting: It was strongly suggested that a written HOA notice/reminder for 2008 be sent to the whole neighborhood. While many are availing of and enjoying a really first class and easily navigable HOA website, thanks to our webmaster, Joe Stewart .... many are not yet regularly keeping tab of happenings and issues this way. Hence a 2008 Reminder that will include the following:

Meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m.