Minutes: 06/26/2007
June 26, 2007, 7:00 PM at the Fruitville Library
Directors Present: Joe Stewart, Diane Treharne, Chaz Allen, Andrea DelSanto
Directors Absent: Eddie Martin
Joe Stewart called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM.
Noted that this is not an “official meeting” due to fact that sign was not posted within allotted time to give notification to residents.
Previous minutes read at 7:08.
President’s Report:
Nothing new to report
Modification Committee Report:
Committee met a few weeks ago at Ben Hilton’s house to discuss the wall guarantee. We want to stay within our warranty with Porter Paints so we are asking them to refer us to a company to have it powerwashed. There are also cracks in the wall (painted in 2002) that need to be addressed. There is a seven year warranty on the wall. Ben has paperwork and has contacted someone at Porter Paints.
The Salisbury’s were given approval to reverse the current colors on the house. Approval was given for Ben Hilton’s pool installation.
Ben requested another modifications committee meeting to get approval to paint his house. It was noted that as long as you stay within original pallet of builders then you don’t need to get approval from modifications committee. Check with Porter Paints for pallet colors. (Using Sherwin Williams paint. Colors will always vary from sample to actual color.)
Treasurer’s Report – distributed MW 2007 Budget Report and Profit & Loss Statement.
Chaz noted that Betsy did an excellent job on the accounting and all the documentation was reconciled through ’06. He has put all the information into Quickbooks and it available to all Meadow Walk residents to view. In ’06 we had $3,200 in unpaid dues. Chaz is contacting homeowners directly by phone to request immediate payment. There is a discrepency of $800 from the bank in regards to homeowners dues. Chaz is trying to reconcile. Homeowner’s have been very responsive with the exception of a few. As a reminder, homeowner’s are able to view overdue homeowner’s dues on the MW website. Many thanks to Chaz for putting a lot of time and effort into getting this information into QuickBooks. Chaz is looking to moving our banking to Bank of America due to problems with current bank.
Current balances:
Budgeted Expenses for ‘’07 is $24,172*
Six month milestone $13,376.23*
Overall underbudget by $6,069.23*
Lakes and Ponds Report:
Noted that all the money we put into the wetlands was mandated by the county. If we are not in compliance we would receive fines. James Malone is still coming every three months to remove Tilapia from the lakes. Tell the kids to fish, fish, fish.
Secretary’s Report:
Diane inquired about doing newsletter for neighborhood to bring everyone up to date. Mention information about house painting and Life Lock from Chaz. Andrea agreed to get a newsletter out by July 15. Still need e-mail addresses for 12 homeowners.
New Business:
Mailboxes are not consistent in color; neighbors don’t know that they are supposed to be a uniform color. Ben suggested getting bids from painters to get mailboxes into uniformity. Residents would be assessed a one time charge for painting. Chaz suggested buying mailboxes from Home Depot that are more durable. Compare cost of painting vs. new boxes. Put on agenda to vote on for next meeting.
The entry way to Meadow Walk is a mess. A tree guy came out and looked at the dead trees. They need to be watered from the bottom. The Juniper’s are a waste of time. Family Lawn Care would like us to do something b/c it reflects on them as well. The grass is dying due to the angle of the runoff. Diane suggested giving the water/irrigation key to Family Lawn Care.
Margaret Morrison talked about ladders still being on the truck next door at night. Diane is going to issue a letter to all violators.
Noise from motorcycles brought to Board’s attention. Under county regulation not within control of Board.
Post lights need to be replaced when they are out.
Meeting adjourned at 7:53pm.
* It was noted at the end of the meeting that the totals on the Budget Report were incorrect. Chaz will be fixing and posting on website