Minutes: 12/09/2005
December 9, 2005, 7:00 PM at the Fruitville Library
Joe Stewart called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM. All Directors except for Josh Ridenour were present.
Betsy Dane, Secretary/Treasurer, confirmed that 34 homeowners being represented in person or by proxy, a quorum existed.
Homeowners present in person: Martin (1); Stewart (6); Dane (22); Dodge (24); Richau (34); Walsh (38); Taussig (39); Treharne (55); King (63); Finlay (66) and DelSanto (67).
Homeowners present by proxy: Donaldson (2/3); Bichler (4); Diner (7); Beal (8); Kelly (10); Nauman (11); McCarville (12); Mooney (13); DiBattista (16); Hyman (19); Grissom (23); Hilton (32); Salisbury/Richard (36); Detra (41); Shkrab (42); Evans (47); Morrison (48); Kelty (50); Small (51); Lin (59); Born (62); Fenix (63); McNally (65).
Betsy Dane read the minutes from the December 7, 2004 Annual Meeting which were approved unanimously. Additionally, the 2006 budget was presented. Based upon the anticipated expenses for the coming year, no maintenance fee increase was recommended. The budget and $400/year fee were approved unanimously.
Prior to the election, the floor was opened to comments or questions. The question of controlling treat-or-treaters from other neighborhoods was raised. As Meadow Walk streets are maintained and owned by the county, we cannot control who comes in to the neighborhood – just be cautious.
The terms of John Finlay and Josh Ridenour have expired, leaving two vacant seats on the Board of Directors. They were both thanked for their efforts on behalf of the community, and John, in particular, having served on the Board since the inception of Meadow Walk was praised for his continued loyalty and efforts on behalf of everyone. There were two candidates to fill the positions, and Joe Stewart asked for nominations from the floor. There being none, the election was held and Eddie Martin and Diane Treharne were elected to the Board of Directors.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Betsy Dane, Secretary/Treasurer