Minutes: 07/28/2005
July 28, 2005, 7:00 PM at the Fruitville Library
Present: Joe Stewart, Josh Ridenour, John Finlay, Andrea DelSanto
Absent: Betsy Dane
Joe Stewart called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM.
1. Update on Littoral Shelf: This area is out of compliance due to the tilapia eating the plant base which is decreasing the "good" plants. Jim Henslick of Creative Wetlands has suggested, and Joe Stewart has asked, James Monroe to help control the tilapia population. Once this is accomplished, Jim will drop another 3000 plants into the lakes at a nominal cost due to our relationship with him over the past.
2. There has been a complaint that MacKenzie is not weed-whacking and that the mowers have been getting stuck. Eddie Martin has confirmed that weed-whacking is in the contract and he will ensure that this is done.
3. A letter will go out to homeowners reminding them that they and their lawn services may not get lawn clippings into the lakes.
4. The Homeowners Directory will be ready in August ö due to the delays, the directory will run from August to August of each year.
5. The Holiday Party this year will be held at the Farm Bureau on December 10th. There will be activities for the children.
6. The issue of parking RVs is to be handled by an attorney ö any changes to the Declarations, of course, will have to be approved by the majority of homeowners and then recorded with the State of Florida.
7. There is an opening for the Modification Committee ö David DelSanto volunteered to fill the gap, and was approved by the Board.
8. A homeowner brought up the fact that Pops Golf Range/Batting Cages may be planning a Go Cart Track.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 PM.
Minutes taken by Andrea DelSanto and transcribed for submission by Betsy Dane.