Minutes: 07/29/2004
July 29, 2004, 7:00 PM at the Fruitville Library
All Directors were present
Nancy Dell'Accio called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. She advised the other Directors and homeowners present that she needed to move through the agenda quickly due to a guest speaker coming and that any unaddressed issues would be dealt with at a future meeting.
Betsy Dane read the minutes from the April 29th, 2004 Board meeting. Certain changes were made, particularly regarding the wording of what had previously been known as the "Variance" concerning the parking of recreation vehicles. Our attorney, Ed Boyer, had verified the ability of the Board of Directors to make such a decision, but clarified the verbiage. All changes to the minutes have been made in red, and, as amended, were approved unanimously after the motion by Nancy Dell'Accio and second by John Finlay. The amended minutes are to be posted on the website.
Betsy Dane presented the mid-year profit and loss statement, which will be posted on the website. She also presented a proposal that the collection of homeownersâ maintenance fees be transferred to Peoples Community Bank, which has a program specifically designed for homeowners and condominium associations. The collection of dues is made by the Bank with a lockbox system and reports are submitted as needed to the Board regarding dues payments. This service, together with bank accounts, is completely free. Penny Walsh moved to accept the proposal, seconded by Nancy, approved unanimously.
Nancy reported that we have changed our insurance to All State. For less cost, we are increasing our coverage, which will now include the wall and well system with only a $250 deductible. The Board thanks Gary Walsh for his input and assistance in this matter.
Eddie Martin brought up the issue of attaching transfer fees to the sales of Meadow Walk properties. The fees would be paid by the seller, and would defray costs associated with the reproduction of documents the buyers have the right to see prior to closing. As all pertinent documents are posted on our website, it was decided that we would not pursue the collection of these fees.
Nancy informed everyone of the debris found in the lakes. She reminded the homeowners to be mindful of how they dispose of all waste, including backwash from pools.Ê Please backwash pools into your lawns, not by hose into the lake ö the ground can absorb any excess chlorine which then dissipates and does not go directly into the lakes.
The question of garage sales has arisen again. The Board of Directors adopted the following position: A one-day garage sale may take place only if it is held by a seller of a Meadow Walk home during and due to the sales process. It is to be advertised, with no signs posted except on the property lawn, and the Board must have notification one week prior to the date of the sale.
Regarding rent signs, a homeowner who wishes to rent his or her home has the right to post a For Rent sign. The issue of house rentals altogether is to be addressed in the amendments being considered to our legal documents. However, it was reiterated that these are single family homes, and the rental of rooms is a violation of zoning as well as the underlying documents of the community. If anyone is known to be renting rooms out, the zoning board will be contacted.
Once again the issue of parking commercial vehicles in driveways was addressed. Ladders must be removed from trucks or vans, and signs must be taken off vehicles.
Please remember to keep lawns trimmed. Regarding the overall lawn service, we have not been happy with the existing service, and Eddie Martin is obtaining new bids.
Nancy reminded everyone that the Holiday Party is not to be paid from maintenance fees, but rather from advertising in the Homeownersâ Directory. She asked that someone take up the project of revising/updating the directory and seeking advertisers or we will not be able to have the party this year.
The Board wishes to thank Nancy DellâAccio for all of her fine work regarding the grant Meadow Walk received, as well as the photos she had posted on our website showing our community at work! Thank you, Nancy!!!
Finally, Penny Walsh submitted her resignation from the Board of Directors, effective immediately, due to personal commitments. We wish to thank her for all of her efforts on the board and in the community, and wish her all the best. Gary Walsh has submitted a letter indicating his willingness to serve out Penny's term, which expires on December 31, 2005. The Board will hold a special meeting in August to address the issue of filling this position.
There being no further business, and with Lt. Gattlock of the Sarasota Sheriffâs Department waiting to be a guest speaker after the meeting, the meeting was adjourned at 7:38 PM.
Respectfully submitted, Betsy Dane, Secretary/Treasurer