Minutes: 10/29/2003

October 29, 2003, 7:00 PM at the Fruitville Library

All Directors were present

Nancy Dell'Accio called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

Betsy Dane read the minutes from the July 31, 2003 Board meeting. Nancy moved for the addition of the fact that the Board approved the term of the five members of the Modifications Committee to July 2004. Penny Walsh moved, Nancy seconded. The July 31st minutes, therefore, will be corrected on the website, and have been approved.

Nancy brought up the issue of our lawn service. We are currently inviting bids for the Association,s lawn care. Of importance is that the services carry proper liability insurance. If any homeowners wish to make a suggestion, please address your ideas to Eddie Martin.

The Association is planning to hold a Holiday Party on Saturday, December 13, 2003 at the Farm Bureau on Palmer Blvd. The monies generated from the sale of ads for our directory will fund most of the party, although all homeowners are asked to bring a dish. Penny Walsh volunteered to generate a flyer and to organize the food. John Finlay, Eddie Martin, Vince Dell,Accio will head up the set-up group. We hope that most homeowners attend. Rumor has it that Santa may even stop by.

There are two openings for the Board to be filled at the December 2nd Annual Meeting·the terms of Penny Walsh and John Finlay will be expiring. Brian King will head a Nominating Committee, with Dolly Fenix and John Shableski on board. All those interested in running for the Board should submit their names to Brian. Notice for the Annual Meeting must be mailed by November 18th to be in compliance with the By-Laws. In regard to the meeting, the notice will advise all homeowners that their attendance or proxy will be NEEDED at the meeting in order to effect the quorum required. Last year, there was a last minute scramble to collect votes. The Board has moved up the meeting to the first week of December in order to accommodate all holiday parties, etc·.in the event we do not get a quorum, we will have the right to dissolve the association, and turn the management of Meadow Walk over to the county, at homeowners cost.

As it stands, the dues for 2004 will remain at $400/year. Betsy Dane and John Finlay reiterated that the Board had agreed to take funds from savings to pay for the wall repairs this year, rather than place an assessment on homeowners. In the event of an emergency in the coming year, there will be a discussion of assessment, but for normal operations of the Association, the current dues are anticipated to be sufficient. Notices will be sent quarterly for homeowners wishing to pay in installments in order to avoid the late payments this year which was partially due to the one-time billing. However, in return, late payments will be fined in 2004. As of this date, there are five homeowners yet to pay the last quarter's dues.
Other Items.

1. Maria King has graciously volunteered to continue to generate the newsletter·please give any ideas or items to her.

2. In return for the use of the meeting rooms, the Association will make a small donation to the Fruitville Library.

3. The Board wishes to thank Becky and Bill Swann for planting and the Swanns and Bill Detra for watering and maintaining, all the plants to maintain the littoral shelf. Thanks too to the Martins for their continued efforts on the plantings in the front of the development·their tireless efforts make your community more attractive!

4. Dolly Fenix has completed a first draft of revisions to the By-Laws which will be electronically transmitted to the committee members for review.

5. Nancy has applied for a County grant for the upkeep and educational use of our wetlands area. She is very optimistic about receiving over $3000·Creative Wetlands will provide over 3700 plants, we will receive signs, and a member of the Board of Oscar Scherer Park has agreed to conduct a seminar for us in order to comply with the educational requirements. Please note, that the upkeep is UP TO US. We will need volunteers from the community to take care of it. As Nancy indicated, last time there were only a few who helped·and, to quote her directly, "If you have allergies, take a pill"·and get out there to keep Meadow Walk safe, attractive and in compliance with all applicable regulations.

6. The oak trees on the exit side of Meadow Breeze were on the Martin property and were removed at their expense.

7. Nancy priced mulch for the front wall and island at a cost of approximately $900.00. Considering the cost, she asked Eddie Martin to price lava rock.

8. Nancy was informed that no liquid chemicals are to be sprayed within 20 feet of the lakes; granules only are to be used.

9. Nancy is working on two Meadow Walk directories, one for our advertisers and one for homeowners:
a. Advertisers' directory will list homeownersâ last names and address only.
b. Homeowners will receive full names, addresses, lot numbers, phone numbers, and email addresses, no childrenâs names will be listed, and the amount of information provided will be at the option of the homeowner.

10. Vehicles are not to park in front of the center island to wait for school busses.

11. Halloween is tomorrow--please check your post lights and coach lights for proper operation for the safety of the children.

12. John Shableski commended Nancy on her efforts and hard work this year.

The next Directors' meeting will be November 29th at the Library at 7:00 PM.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:50 PM.

Respectfully submitted, Betsy Dane, Secretary/Treasurer