Minutes: 07/31/2003

July 31, 2003, 7:00 PM at the Fruitville Library

All Directors were present

Nancy Dell'Accio called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM.

Betsy Dane read the minutes from the April 30, 2003 Board meeting. Nancy moved that the word "commercial-like" be stricken from #3 under "Other issues" in order to be less vague and to maintain the concept of truly "commercial". Seconded by Penny Walsh, approved. The April 30th minutes, therefore, will be corrected on the website, and have been approved.

The next order of business was the Treasurerâs report. The profit and loss statement for the first six months of the year was presented, together with our current cash position. This will be posted independently on the website. At the October meeting, the agenda will discuss the 2004 dues.

The modifications committee has reviewed two pool requests, a lanai enclosure and four fence requests. Vince Dell'Accio discussed the guideline for fencing along Niobe Road and Palmer Blvd., indicating that all side fences must be continuous with existing fence structures to avoid a "zigzag" effect. More details on the committee are posted in their minutes. Also, it was announced that Paul Richau has replaced Andy Small on the committee. The committee will work with the committee designated to review deed restrictions to ensure consistency.

Reminders were made about the following:

1. Lakes - there continues to be a fair amount of carelessness in terms of what is dumped into the lakes or what drains into the lakes from the roads. A homeowner reported seeing some dead ducks in the eastern lake. Homeowners are advised once again to please exercise more caution, and to alert their lawn services.

2. Curbing and clean-up after dogs, it is remarkable that this continues to be an issue after all of the discussions and postings concerning this matter. Homeowners are advised that they MUST clean up after their pets at all times. Nancy provided the Animal Control line, 316-1081 for homeowners wishing to report animal nuisances.

3. Parking at the entrance, school is starting on August 11! Homeowners are advised that it is against the law to park within 20 feet of a crosswalk or 30 feet of a stop sign. PLEASE park on Palmer Blvd. or on Deer Crossing Court/Meadow Breeze and walk your children to their bus, same with afternoon drop-off. Parking at the entrance to the development is dangerous. The Sheriff's office number is 316-1945 for these complaints/violations.

4. Cars in driveway, please remember to be courteous to your neighbors and keep cars in driveways, not on the street. Also, please try to maintain the regulation concerning two cars in driveways, and try to park in your garages if at all possible.

5. Speeding through the development, This is a MAJOR concern for most homeowners. The speed limit in Meadow Walk is 20 MPH. Please keep to that maximum, and request that your guests do the same. If you need to make a complaint, take down the tag number of the speeding vehicle. The phone number to call for the County is 365-8247. This is the ãtag lineä. At the first complaint, a letter will be written an second complain will result in a visit from the Sheriff's Department. KEEP OUR COMMUNITY SAFE!

6. Fireworks, It is against the law to set off fireworks that leave the ground, no matter what the stores sell.Ê And, there is a $1000 fine for illegal fireworks. Again this year there was damage done to at least one car by fireworks on the 4th of July. There are developments that ban fireworks altogether, and this may become necessary if our homeowners do not exercise more caution.

7. Trash, a reminder that trash may not be set out at the curb prior to 5 PM on Sunday (the day prior to pickup) and empty bins/containers must be brought in from the curb no later than 10 AM Tuesday (day after pickup). These are County regulations, not ours, so please keep them in mind.

The report from the Deed Restrictions Review Committee was postponed.

New Business:

1. Nancy will be purchasing and installing Deed Restricted Community/No Soliciting and No Trespassing signs.
2. Please keep an eye out for your post lights and be sure that if they burn out they are replaced.
3. On behalf of the Board, Nancy thanked Tanya Bichler and Maria King for the Newsletter that they created. Please extend your appreciation as well, and also, please let them know if there is anything you wish to have included in the next Newsletter.
4. Nancy is working on a new Directory. The new directory will not include the names of any children. Please let her know if you have a new email address or if there is any information you wish to/not to have included. Also, if you have a business card you wish included, she will scan it into the directory for you. She will also be speaking with local business to solicit their ads. The ads will run $25 for a business card, $50 for a half page, $75 for a full inside page, and $100 for the back cover. (Of course there is no charge for homeownersâ business card ads). Proceeds will be used for a Meadow Walk holiday party.
5. Bill Small brought up the bushes on the southwest corner of the development and their demise. We will investigate the cost of viburnum to be planted along the south side of the development.
6. A reminder to homeowners who live along the Palmer Blvd. wall that no trees may touch the wall ö please be sure to trim them back.

The next Directors' meeting will be October 29th at the Library at 7:00 PM

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:05 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Betsy Dane, Secretary/Treasurer