Minutes: 04/30/2003

April 30, 2003, 7:00 PM at the Fruitville Library

Nancy Dell"Accio, President, called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM. All directors were present, given the resignation of Kurt Richter.

The first order of business was the reading and approval of the minutes of the January 30, 2003 Board of Directorsâ meeting, as well as the minutes from the special meeting held on February 5th. Both were unanimously approved as submitted.

Next, Betsy Dane reported on the status of homeownersâ dues. All but two homeowners have remitted the April 1st payments.

Nancy opened the floor to nominations or volunteers for the remainder of Kurt Richterâs term of office as a Director, which expires on December 31, 2003. Bill Swann and Penny Walsh indicated their interest in the post, and Penny Walsh was elected by the current board.

There had been two resignations from the Modifications Committee, Tom Dane and Kurt Richter. Ed Tonnesen also resigned. Josh Ridenour, John Piazza and Tom Quinlan were named to the committee to join Vince Dell'Accio and Andy Small.

Eddie Martin will provided the Board with the bids to repair and paint the Meadow Walk wall. After considerable discussion, Jeff Dimmick was chosen as the contractor, at a price of $12,600. Part of the reason behind the decision was that Porter Paints is providing a 7-year material and labor warranty to back Mr. Dimmickâs work.

Rather than assess the homeowners at this time for this large expenditure, it was decided that we would withdraw funds from the association savings account. The motion to approve was made by John Finlay, seconded by Nancy DellâAccio and unanimously approved. Nancy will also provide separate communication to the homeowners on this issue.

Other issues covered were:

1. A reminder that no oil changes on cars may be made in the streets, since all drainage goes into the lakes and there is a serious threat of pollution.
2. The Association is not responsible for dumping in the ditches as a result of work being done on homeownersâ homes·the individual homeowners WILL BE FINED by the county.
3. Please remember the regulations concerning the parking of commercial vehicles in the driveways, it is not allowed.
5. There have been concerns and complaints about the difficulty in viewing Palmer Blvd. as one exits Meadow Walk due to cars parking in the striped area in front of the entrance which impedes views. Nancy will discuss with the county the moving of the stop sign at the exit, but until then, it would be appreciated if homeowners do not park in any area which prevents safe exit.
6. If there are any issues with the irrigation system, please contact Eddie Martin. Only he and Nancy will maintain keys to the system, due to the fact that someone gained access to the controls and manipulated them.

Finally, it was decided that it was time that a committee be formed to revisit the by-laws, rules and regulations, and buildersâ guidelines for Meadow Walk. Many of the documents continue to deal with pre-completion of the development and need to be updated. Dolly Fenix, Betsy Dane and Penny Walsh will serve on the committee and report back periodically to the Board with their findings.

There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:48 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Betsy Dane


Please update the April 30 minutes with the
corrections that were approved in the July 31 minutes.
Thanks, Nancy

Nancy moved that the word "commercial-like" be stricken from #3 under "Other issues" in order to be less vague and to maintain the concept of truly "commercial".
Changes made 10/20/03 by Eddie Martin