Minutes: 03/04/2002
Monday, March 04, 2002, Fruitville Library
The meeting of the Board of Directors of the Meadow Walk Homeowners Association was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Bill Detra. Present were Bill Detra, Cliff Cross, John Finlay, Connie Meadows and Kurt Richter.
Bill Detra stated that the single agenda item at this evening's meeting was to review the decision made at the last meeting of the Board of Directors regarding lighting at the front gate in view of additional information which had been received since that time.
Kurt Richter reported that he had investigated the possibility of putting up a light pole without obtaining a permit, and found out that this would not be possible. The County permitting department is suffering from a big back log at the moment, and permits which normally took six weeks are taking much longer.
He found out that FPL can put a light on the nearest pole for $8 per month. It will take three to four weeks to get the light mounted. FPL requires at least a one year lease. The light can be shielded so that light does not shine into neighboring homes. The light would be mounted approximately 20 feet up the pole, and would face the entrance.
In addition, Kurt has a contractor working on obtaining a permit to put up the kind of light and pole at the entrance which would be most satisfactory for the community. A permit will cost between $45 and $65.
On a motion by Connie Meadows, seconded by Cliff Cross the board unanimously approved that the motion regarding lighting at the last meeting be rescinded and that a light be requested from FPL to be mounted on the nearest pole.
On a motion by Cliff Cross, seconded by John Finlay, the board unanimously approved the continuation by Kurt Richter to get a permit for our own light pole and light at the front entrance.
On a motion by Cliff Cross, seconded by John Finlay, the meeting was adjourned at 7:15 P.M.
Respectfully submitted, Connie Meadows, March 4, 2002