Minutes: 01/28/2002
January 28, 2002, 7:00 PM at the Fruitville Library
Bill Detra called the meeting to order at 7:05 P.M. Present were Bill Detra, Cliff Cross, John Finlay, Kurt Richter and Connie Meadows.
Connie Meadows read the minutes of the meeting of December 17, 2001.Cliff Cross indicated that the word "documents" in paragraph 9 should be changed to "permit". With this amendment, the minutes were unanimously approved.
Connie Meadows submitted the financial report. Nine Homeowners Assessment payments are still outstanding as of this date. Two are Morrison Homes properties which have presumably been sold, but the names of the new owners have not been submitted: lots 34 and 48. Delinquent notices will be mailed on February 1 with interest charges applied. Twenty-one Homeowners elected to pay their full annual assessments, the balance elected to make quarterly payments. The financial report was approved as submitted.
John Finlay reported on the recent meeting of the Modification Committee. Two requests for fences had been received from the Ridenour's and the Small's. The committee voted to approve the requests for fences with some modifications. John will meet with Connie to type up the minutes of the meeting and send out the letters confirming the action of the committee to the two property owners. In these two instances, the Committee approved a specific Home Depot model number for fences on interior lots with any exposure to the street to be softened with foliage. John indicated that another fence request has been received, and the committee will be meeting in the near future to deal with that request. The Moiseev fence request is still an open issue with the committee.
Eddie Martin reported that the irrigation system is in good working order.
John Finlay reported that there is nothing new on landscaping. We are keeping Mikeâs Mowing on to continue mowing the Palmer Road frontage. The area around the gate needs to be fixed. We will order a load of dirt from Mike to fill in the South West corner. The areas mentioned by the surveyor around the drainage area into the lakes will be repaired after things dry out, and sod will be planted during the rainy season.
Bill Detra indicated that there is nothing to report on the lakes.
Kurt Richter stated that he is trying to get a free light pole from the city. A commercial grade pole would cost around $1,000, and there are some poles at the city which had been ordered and cannot be used. He will continue working on the lighting situation.
Kurt reported that he cleaned part of the wall a test area which he believes made an improvement on its appearance. He will continue working on the wall.
Betsy Dane asked how often we would like a newsletter. Three to four times a year was suggested. She requests that people submit ideas to her for inclusion in the newsletters.
Under Old Business, Connie Meadows reported that sufficient homeowners have signed for each of the amendments for them to be recorded and become part of the homeowners documents. Anyone at the meeting who had not yet signed was invited to do so and everyone present accepted that offer.
There was no new business.
On a motion by Cliff Cross, seconded by Kurt Richter, the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 P.M.
Respectfully submitted, Connie Meadows, January 29, 2002