Minutes: 08/27/2001

August 27, 2001, 7:00 PM at 1029 Meadow breeze Lane, Sarasota, FL 34240

Present at the meeting were Brian King, John Finlay and Connie Meadows. Bill Detra was absent, but will return during the course of the meeting. Brian King, Vice President, called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm. He announced that the first order of business was to fill a vacancy on the Board caused by the resignation of Ray Morrison, and called for nominations. John Finlay nominated Kurt Richter; Brian King nominated Eddie Martin. Kurt Richter was unanimously elected, and joined the Board for the balance of the agenda.

The minutes of the meeting of July 30, 2001 were submitted for approval. Brian King had one correction. He stated that Eddie Martin had obtained a quote of $7/tree for trimming and Brian thought he could get the same or close price from Mikeâs Lawn Service. In fact, the final charge was $10/tree. The minutes were thereafter unanimously approved as amended.

Connie Meadows submitted the treasurer's report showing income and expenses this fiscal year to date. At present, there is $4,387.88 in the bank with no unpaid invoices at this time. The Morrison Homes lots have paid the homeowners fees through the end of the year. Future income this year will be limited to the $99 per lot for the balance of the lots. The treasurerâs report was unanimously approved as submitted.

John Finlay made a report from the Modifications Committee. He indicated that four requests for fences, sheds, driveway treatment and one front door painting were considered. All were denied except for the painting of the front door which was approved. Letters have been sent to all applicants advising them of the Modifications Committee decisions. Changes to the Development and Construction Standards and Guidelines were made as follows: page 4, Article IV, Section C: to repaint your home the existing colors will not require permission from the Modification Committee; page 8, Article IV, Section N: house numbers will be accepted if they are legible and between three and six inches in height; page 2, Article II, Section E, (2): planting of plants, trees, bushes and/or flowers on ones property will not require written permission from the Modifications Committee if these said plantings are not a nuisance to the neighbors; Page 8, Article IV, Section M: white and yellow lighting is acceptable in coach lights and post lights. Seasonal lighting is acceptable without written permission of the Board of Directors. This will be addressed on an individual basis as the Modifications Committee receives a complaint: Page 7, Article IV, Section K: walls and fences will continue to be permitted/declined on an individual basis. Furthermore the following treatment will be made regarding sections of the Declaration of Maintenance and Land Use Provisions of Meadow Walk: Page 2, Article VI, Section 6.1 permission will be given for all requests for wells and Page 11, Section IV, Section 4.1 (e) garden sculptures of a reasonable size are permitted without written permission of the Modifications Committee. Complaints will be addressed on an individual basis. Further meetings of the Modifications Committee will be held monthly on an as-needed basis.

Eddie Martin made a report on the Irrigation system. He reported that there are several broken sprinkler heads. He recommends changing the tall sprinklers to pop-up sprinkler heads which should cost not more than $200. On a motion by Connie Meadows, seconded by Brian King the board approved unanimously this expenditure. Additionally, Eddie recommended consideration of extending the sprinkler system to cover the new plantings on the South side of the property. He was requested to obtain an estimate for the cost of this extension for consideration in the 2002 budget.

Brian King reported that there is nothing new to report on the mowing contract. He is trying to get the County to mow the Niobi and Raymond street edges more frequently, and will ask the County about the dead trees in the lift station area.

Connie Meadows gave an up-date on the Malco claim and requested assistance on identifying the needs for repair to the wall. Brian King and Kurt Richter will inspect the wall, contact White Oak to see if they plan to do anything about it, and will get an estimate for the reserve needed for periodic repair to be included in the 2002 budget. It is unlikely that Malco will pay the amount claimed, and it was decided to discuss this issue with the Homeowner's Association attorney.

Bill Detra (having arrived at the meeting) reported on the lakes. He arranged for Creative Wetlands to take care of the dollar weeds, which has been done. Furthermore he will ask them if individual homeowners may plant water lilies and other water plants in the lake.

Bill Detra made a report from the Violations Committee. He distributed a copy of the proposed Violations Procedure for consideration by the Board. He made a motion to present this procedure to all of the Meadow Walk Homeowners for a vote of approval or disapproval. Connie Meadows seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously.

Eddie Martin reported that the Meadow Walk website is up and running at www.meadowwalk.org. He asked for input from the President for the Presidenst Page Also it was mentioned that Charlotte Mooney had offered to do a newsletter, and this could appear on the website. He also asked for a ãwelcome messageä from the board. All homeowners association documents and all minutes of the Board of Directors are available at the website.

New Business:
Connie mentioned that we will be preparing the budget for 2002 shortly. We need to have an estimate of the annualized and/or periodic costs of maintaining the wall; the cost of the additional irrigation line; an estimate for future plantings; a reserve for attorney's fees, and any other item needed to be included for the coming year.

Kurt Richter agreed to supervise landscape lighting and street lighting on behalf of the Board. Anyone noticing that any lights are out should contact him. He will change the landscape lighting from a timer to a photo-electric cell.

John Finlay nominated Rebecca Swan and Kurt Richter as additional members of the Modification Committee. These nominations were unanimously approved by the board.

Bill Detra made a motion to disband the Violations Committee now that they have submitted a procedure which has been accepted by the Board. Kurt Richter seconded the motion, and it was unanimously approved.

The agenda of the Board having been completed, questions from the floor were accepted:

Hilde Scheibe: Why is Gary videotaping this meeting in our home without our permission? Gary indicated that it is allowed by law. Bill indicated that we will get a legal opinion on this from the Boardâs Attorney.

Cliff Cross: We have between $15 and $20 million of value in this community and we need to preserve it. He pointed out that up until the last Board meeting, Malco owned the lift station, but after the meeting it was transferred to the County. The wall was painted with no undercoating. There is now paint with an egg-shell finish which is more durable and this should be considered when it is painted again.

Penny Walsh: Is it appropriate to put out the Violations Procedure at the present time when Morrison Homes owns 19 lots? There was some discussion about submitting the Procedure for a vote at the annual meeting in December. Bill Detra indicated the Board will get a legal opinion on this from its Attorney.

Gary Walsh: We should review documents. Some aspects are not legal according to some statutes, for example the rules on dogs. Again, Bill Detra indicated the Board will get a legal opinion on this from its Attorney.

Eddie Martin and Cliff Cross asked Gary why he was videotaping the meeting. He did not answer.

On a motion by Connie Meadows, seconded by Brian King, unanimously approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:20 pm.

Respectfully Submitted, Connie Meadows, Secretary/Treasurer, August 28, 2001