Minutes: 07/30/2001

July 30, 2001 , 7:00 PM at 1029 Meadow Breeze Lane, Sarasota, FL 34240

The meeting was called to order by Bill Detra at 7:05 pm. Present were Bill Detra, John Finlay, Brian King and Connie Meadows. Ray Morrison was absent.

On a motion by Brian King, seconded by John Finlay, the minutes of the meetings of June 26 and July 2 were unanimously approved as submitted.

Connie Meadows presented the financial report for the year to date ended July 30, 2001, showing income of $21,675.87 and expenses of $14,686.96. Cash in bank amounts to $8,845.88 and there are at present no outstanding invoices to be paid. Third quarter homeowners fees are still outstanding from the Beilers, Hiltons, Wilsons and Nicole Overholt. The Beilers were present at the meeting and it was noted that the incorrect address had been turned over by Malco. Kim Beiler immediately issued her check. Connie will e-mail the Hiltons and Wilsons and, if no response is received, she is to send a certified letter requesting payment. Apparently the Overholt house is under contract and the fees will be collected at settlement. On a motion by Bill Detra, seconded by Brian King, the financial report was unanimously approved as submitted.

Brian King reported the following regarding landscaping: Meadow Walk is not responsible for mowing from the sidewalk to the curb on Palmer Boulevard, but the County, according to Linda Gaines, will mow only every four to six weeks. The cost of this mowing is included in the current contract. On a motion by Bill Detra, seconded by Connie Meadows, the board unanimously approved continued mowing of this area by our contractor. There are six cluster groups of trees at the entrance area which are planted in the easements of adjacent property owners. Brian recommended that the Homeowners Association pay for the cost of trimming these trees (approximately 24 trees at a cost of $7 per tree) and to mow from the hedge to the curb on both sides. On a motion by Brian, seconded by Bill Detra, the board unanimously approved this recommendation.

Brian checked the irrigation system and noted two or three sprinkler heads are missing. The system has been turned off by Eddie Martin and irrigation will be discontinued during the rainy season. Ray Morrison was unable to contact Sunrise Irrigation and at the request of the board, Connie Meadows will write to Sunrise Irrigation discontinuing their services. On a motion by Brian, seconded by Bill, it was unanimously approved that under the coordination of Ray Morrision with the assistance of Eddie Martin, the irrigation system be maintained by the Association and service calls be made for assistance when needed.

Bill Detra brought up the problem of dog droppings being deposited throughout the community. The requirement that dog owners pick-up waste after their dogs and properly dispose of it is covered in the proposed letter to all homeowners. Connie is to finalize this letter, e-mail a copy to board members and then send it out. It was pointed out that in some cases people from other communities walk their dogs in our neighborhood and do not pick up after them. No Trespassing signs must be purchased and installed where these people are entering.

John Finlay reported that he sent out 24 e-mails soliciting members to serve on the Modification Committee. He received three responses: Eddie Martin, Cliff Cross and Ben Hilton. On a motion by Bill Detra, seconded by Brian King, the board unanimously approved these persons as members of the Modification Committee. There were three pending requests for recommendations by the Modification Committee: A request from John Piazza for a fence to hide his boat and for a shed; a request from John Marschall to install an 18 inch digital TV dish on the rear of his house roof and a request from Gary and Penny Walsh to treat their driveway. The Board unanimously approved the dish request (on a motion by John Finlay, seconded by Bill Detra) and Connie will write to Peter Marschall so advising him. The other two applicants, present at the meeting, were requested to wait for a response to their requests until the committee has been able to formulate guidelines and make appropriate recommendations to the Board of Directors.

Connie Meadows reported on the claim made to Malco Industries. The original claim consisted of a request to power wash, patch and paint the wall; replace two trees in the lift station area and for $12,616.63 for expenses paid by the developer for costs which were not the responsibility of the Homeowners Association. Mr. Malamud responded saying that he requested Marcus Helmuth of White Oak Development to check on the wall; that the dead trees should be replaced by the County on whose property they were located, and that since he had contributed $10,000 and a value of about $2,400-$3,000 for insurance, he has no liability for the $12,616.63 claimed by us. A second calculation was made showing that based on the budget allocated to 65 lots in the community, the developer had under paid his share and that there is a balance owing of $6,163.99 for his share of homeowners fees, plus the $12,616.63 first claimed for non-homeowners expenses paid out of homeowners fees, less the $2,400 for insurance with appropriate adjustments for accounts payable and receivable at the time of turnover for a total present claim of $16,380.62. The letter containing this last claim was sent on July 22 and the developer was requested to respond within 30 days. John Finlay asked if a claim had been made for the mis-placement of a drainage ditch along Raymond Road. Cliff Cross said that he had reviewed the area with Marcus Helmuth who said that he believed it was in the correct place and that it had been accepted by the County as is. Brian King will check out the ditch again and contact the County and White Oak if necessary.

Vivia Martin presented a proposal to create a web site for the Homeowners Association. The cost to register the domain name is $63 for two years and she offers to do the initial registration at her own expense. Her employer has agreed to host the web site at no cost. The domain name would be owned by the homeowners association. The possibility of putting minutes, homeowners documents, reports, etc. on the web site was discussed as well as offering a bulletin board and e-mail connections with board members. On a motion by Connie Meadows, seconded by Bill Detra the board unanimously approved Viviaâs proposal and selected the domain name of Meadowalk.com.

Bill Detra discussed the necessity of having an enforcement plan for the homeowners rules and regulations and a standard procedure for dealing with violations. He stressed that this is a very delicate subject, but that we fail all homeowners if we do not provide for fair and reasonable enforcement. He proposed that the procedure when a violation has been identified consist of first a friendly letter informing the homeowner of the violation and requesting remediation. Secondly if no response is received, a second letter stating that action will have to be taken in connection with the violation. And finally a third letter be written if still no response is received informing the homeowner that the matter will be turned over to our attorney. A fine system will have to be created and the time period between letters will have to be specified. He offered to serve as Board liaison for this committee and asked for volunteers to serve. Brian King and Penny Walsh offered to serve on this committee. On a motion by Bill Detra, seconded by Connie Meadows, the membership of this committee was unanimously approved.

Questions from non-board members were then accepted: Jeanie asked what the survey crews were doing on Palmer Boulevard. Brian pointed out an article in Sunday's paper stating that street lights are being installed from I-75 to Raymond Road along Palmer Blvd. Eventually Center Road will be paved across to Fruitville. Penny Walsh called Morrison Homes in Tampa and arranged for them to mow their undeveloped lots, which has been done. Brian is working with Eslinger to get their lots mowed as well. Sergei Moiseev asked about the mosquitoes. Brian said that everyone who has problems with mosquitoes should call the appropriate County office for mosquito control. Some spraying has been done. Connie reported that the new Library on Fruitville Road should open in October. The other building there is for South West Florida Water Management District. We might be able to obtain meeting space in the new library and meanwhile people attending board meetings should bring chairs. John Piazza asked who cleans trash out of the pond. Mikeâs lawn service picks up some trash as do neighbors along the pond.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted, Connie Meadows, July 31, 2001