Minutes: 06/26/2001

June 26, 2001 , 7:00 PM at 1029 Meadow Breeze Lane, Sarasota, FL 34240

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm. Present were Cliff Cross, Bill Detra, John Finlay, Connie Meadows and Steve Zadiraka. No Director was absent. Cliff Cross confirmed that the meeting notice was posted in the Median at the entrance for more than 48 hours.

On a motion by Connie Meadows, seconded by Steve Zadiraka, the Board unanimously approved a resolution to enforce all of the Rules and Regulations for the community of Meadow Walk.

Bill Detra reported on contact he has had with Jim Henslick of Creative Wetlands. Bill will receive a full report on progress in approximately two weeks. There will be two more Littoral Shelf events costing $300 each this year. The Mitigation Area will require another 18 months before release with 3 remaining events at $375 each. Total cost for both of these areas through release together with maintenance will be approximately $1,500. Thereafter maintenance will cost approximately $225/month for approximately two years. Cliff confirmed that it is very important to keep the wetlands in order. It can cost up to $30,000 to redo it.

Steve Zadiraka reported on the grounds. The current contract with Lewis Venture costs $1,250 for mowing, trimming of trees, fertilizing and mulching. New bids have been received ranging from $1,100 to $1,775. He recommends we change to Mike's Lawn Service, on a bid of $1,100 per month on a month to month basis. The price is good for one year, the presentation was the best received and they have good references. On a motion by Connie, seconded by John, it was unanimously decided to accept the bid from Mike's Lawn Service.

On a motion by Cliff, seconded by Steve, the minutes of the previous Board of Directorâs meeting were unanimously accepted.

Connie provided financial statements for the current year. Additionally, she provided a copy of the annual budget, year-to-date budget and year-to-date expenses. We are well within our budget and there is money available for insurance coverage. Connie also reported on the request for documents from Malco which have since been received. After reviewing these documents, mostly invoices for services paid for out of Homeowners Dues, she reported on various items which do not appear to be the responsibility of the Homeowners Association. These include some costs for plants, extra fertilizer and mulch and mowing of vacant lots. Also the contract with the mowing companies has included mowing of curbs and swales which are not the responsibility of the Homeowners Association. On a square foot basis related to the entire mowing covered under the contract, it appears that curbs and swales amount to 38% of the total. Steve suggested that the total area mowed around the lakes was 10 feet wide and not 8 feet wide and that the width of the area South of the lake is 30 feet and not 15 feet. The consensus was to recalculate the claim and then request reimbursement of the resultant percentage from Malco. Additionally, Steve indicated that the wall on Palmer Boulevard is not in good condition and we should request Malco to pressure wash, patch and paint it (or alternatively allow us to have it done and bill them). There are some dead trees by the lift station and in the median which should be replaced by Malco. Steve wanted to know why the wall is short at the East end and tall at the West end, and Cliff would ask Marcus Helmuth of White Oak Development about this. Connie is to draft a claim letter to Malco to be reviewed and then signed by Cliff.

Cliff reported that the letter requesting documents had been sent to Malco. We received the invoices, but not the deed nor the statement that there are no minutes of any prior annual meetings. Also he reported that letters were sent to Morrison Homes and Eslinger Homes requesting adherence to the work hours (6:30 am to 6:00 pm Monday through Saturday). Steve asked if we should change the Saturday hours to a later beginning time. It was agreed to monitor the situation and discuss this subject at the next meeting.

Cliff has investigated the hiring of a Management Company. He has a quite from Argus which had been recommended to him. He will make a copy for each Board member and we will review this next time.

Board member terms are established by the By-laws. The three top vote getters will serve for two years. Connie, Cliff and Bill will serve for two years and John and Steve will servie for one year.

Cliff remarked on the importance of getting insurance coverage as soon as possible. He has a bid from Atlas Insurance at a premium of $1,349/year ($424 for liability, $925 for D & O). This covers $2 M for operations, $1 M for personal injury, $1 M per occurrence, $5,000 premises medical and $1 M for employee liability. On a motion by Connie, seconded by Steve it was unanimously decided to purchase insurance coverage from Atlas.

On a recommendation by Cliff, seconded by Connie it was unanimously decided that items for the agenda of Board of Directors meetings should be issued in writing at least seven days prior to the meeting to the Secretary/Treasurer (Connie).

Cliff pointed out to the Board that the documents require an annual Budget to be prepared in November and the entire Homeowners fees for the year are to be paid in January of each year. It was suggested that with the next mailing to all homeowners, they be advised that the quarterly billing instituted by Malco will not be continued and that beginning in January, each years dues will be payable in full.

Cliff also suggested that a new rule be established that all animal feces must be picked up by the owner and disposed of properly. This was unanimously approved by the Board.

Cliff recommended that a committee be formed to establish fines for infractions of the rules and regulations. John Finlay agreed to chair this committee.

Cliff submitted a list of all violations of the rules and regulations which had been reported to him (without personally verifying them). It is intended that a letter be written notifying Homeowners of the noted infractions and requesting voluntary compliance with the rules and regulations. This will be discussed further at the next meeting.

Cliff presented a form which needs to be completed showing the change of officers to be filed with the Secretary of State. Additionally a Business Agent must be named. It was discussed whether this Business Agent should be a Management Company (which is not yet engaged) or our Attorney (which might incur expense). This matter is temporarily tabled.

Cliff proposed a committee to be established to develop standards for fences. This is not intended to be a change in the rules and regulations regarding whether or not fences can be erected, but to recommend standards for any fences which may be approved by the NCC or the MC. Connie and Bill agreed to serve on this committee. Steve suggested that we consider limiting selections to white PVC fencing, a suggestion which found favor with the Board.

Cliff moved that the Board appoint Edwin Boyer as attorney for the Homeowners Association, primarily for collection purposes. Bill seconded the motion which was unanimously approved.

It was agreed that future meeting dates will be posted in the median strip by the gate. John will look into getting a better sign, and no trespassing by order of Florida Statute XXX signs to keep non-homeowners out of the lakes and common elements. Bill requested we change the regular meeting date from Tuesday and it was agreed to change it to the last Monday of each month (on a motion by Bill, seconded by John - unanimous).

Cliff presented two requests for fencing, one including a request for a swing set. John Finlay, lot 66, withdrew his request for a fence. On a motion by Connie, seconded by Steve, the Board unanimously approved the request by John Finlay for a swing set to be placed in the rear of his house as shown on the submitted plan. Connie will write a letter for Cliff to sign confirming this approval.

The other request for a fence was from Elizabeth Dane for lot 22 (on the lake) for a 42 high scalloped picket fence to enclose her entire back yard extending to with 5' from edge of the lake, along her lot lines up to the rear of the house. Her reasons for requesting a fence were to keep in her three dogs. Since (1) fences are prohibited on lakefront property; (2) homeowners must keep their pets on a line with a responsible person at the other end even on the homeowners own property; (3) the reasons for the request are not a ãuniqueä situation; (4) fences must be 8 feet from property line because of right of ways; (5) fences must extend back from the side of the house, on a motion by Cliff, seconded by Connie, the application for a fence on lot 22 was denied unanimously.

The meeting was adjorned at 9:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted - Constance C. Meadows, June 28, 2001