HOA Meeting Agenda: Tues., Mar. 4, 2025
Fruitville Public Library | 6:00 p.m.
- Call to Order/Quorum
- Approval of minutes of September 10, 2024, meeting
- Financial Report: budget and upcoming projects
- Progress on DOC rewrite
- ‘Cheat Sheet’ Revision
- Enforcing Current DOC Violations
- Street Paving Project
- Niobe Culvert maintained by county
- Committees needing non-board members
- Property damage along Raymond Rd by caused by county ditch mowing
- Adjournment (Next Meeting: June 4, 2025)
Notice of upcoming HOA Meeting: Tues., Mar. 4, 2025
First HOA meeting of 2025 will be held at the Fruitville Library on Tues., Mar. 4 @ 6:00 pm.
The agenda has not been finalized but will be posted on this website as soon as it is. As of now we do not have any pressing issues. There will be an update on the status of the rewrite of the docs. Please contact Nick if you have issues you would like to see put on the agenda: nstiney@gmail.com
Please feel free to contact me at my personal email with any questions or concerns: mlendter@gmail.com.
Thank you,
Mary Lynn
Secretary, Meadow Walk HOA
Summary of Dec 3rd Annual HOA Board Meeting
As you know the Annual Membership meeting of the Meadow Walk HOA was held on December 3, 2024. We did not have a quorum of homeowners [21 in person or by proxy]. We had a quorum of the board. This is a brief summary of the meeting.
A copy of the budget and the reserves was placed in the mailboxes of all homeowners. The budget was approved by the board, and the dues will be the same as last year, $705.00 for the year. You should have your Invoice and dues should be paid on time, by january 31, 2025, so as to avoid any late fees.
At the risk of being redundant we discussed at the Annual Meeting the effort to keep the property on Raymond Road from being rezoned to residential, that issue went before the County Planning Commission on November 21. They voted against the necessary rezoning, however, a final decision will be made by the County Commissioners and the date of their meeting is not yet known at the time of this post.
We do not have any specific rules against parking on our streets as they are public and governed by the county. We do however ask that you try to park on only one side of the street or to stagger parking on opposite sides to keep a passable lane for emergency vehicles.
Because of the 2 county buildings going up at the corner of Apex and Palmer, construction will soon begin on a roundabout at the intersection of Apex Rd. & Palmer Blvd.
A new garbage collection company is taking over in Sarasota County in March of 2025. You should have gotten notice to order a new garbage can, if not, contact the county.
As for the board members, Joe thanked Nancy and Vivia for their participation on the board during the last three years. The board members are now: Nick Stine, President, Joe Stewart, Vice-President; Andy Dilley, Treasurer; Mary Lynn Endter, Secretary; and Craig Rapihana, Director. Craig will serve for 1 year and Andy will serve for two.
Please mark your calendars. The board meeting dates for 2025 are March 4, June 4, and September 9, all starting at 6 pm at the library. The annual meeting date is not yet set.
Happy Holidays to all,
Mary Lynn
Secretary, Meadow Walk HOA
Please feel free to contact me at my personal email with any questions or concerns: mlendter@gmail.com.
Annual HOA Meeting Scheduled for Tuesday, Dec. 3
Fruitville Public Library | 6:00 p.m.
- Call to Order / Establish a Quorum
- Minutes from 2023 Meeting
- President’s Report
- 2025 Budget (board vote)
- Nomination and elections to Board of Directors
- Homeowner Comments
- Adjournment (No latter that 6:45 p.m.)
MEADOW WALK HOA Board of Directors Organizational Meeting Agenda
Fruitville Public Library
(Immediately following the adjournment of the Annual Meeting)
- Call to Order / Establish a Quorum
- Election of Officers
- Adjournment
New Planning Development Services building under construction on Apex Road at Palmer Boulevard
A new Planning Development Services building is under construction on Apex Road at Palmer Blvd. across from the Celery Fields. It comes at a time of rapid development in unincorporated Sarasota County, construction is estimated to be completed in the fall of 2025.
Over the past five years the Planning Development Services has facilitated construction of more than 4,000 multifamily and more than 10,000 single family residential units in Sarasota, and combined have issued more than 220,000 permits totally. County officials say this new building will better the permitting process for the county staff and community members.

The new building will house all divisions of the Planning and Development Services Department, including Property Management, Planning and Zoning, Environmental Protection, Building and Code Enforcement, Planning and Development Services’ business and administration staff, Neighborhood Services staff and the Development Review Coordination team.
It will also serve as the operations center for the damage assessment team during the recovery phase following hurricanes or other natural disaster events. With its unique design and architectural features the new building will blend in with the surrounding area, exemplifying its variety of mixed land uses.
It will also be close to some other new Sarasota County facilities being built nearby such as the new administration building, under construction about a mile away, that is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2025.
Meadow Walk HOA Budget Meeting
The Meadow Walk HOA board will be meeting on Wednesday, November 13, 2024, to prepare the budget for the 2025 fiscal year. As always, the meeting will be at the Fruitville Library, starting at 6 p.m. Copies of the final budget will be made available here on this website for the December 3, 2024 Annual Meeting.
Thank you, and Happy Thanksgiving,
Mary Lynn
Secretary, Meadow Walk HOA
Please feel free to contact me at my personal email with any questions or concerns: mlendter@gmail.com.
HOA Meeting Agenda for Tues., Sept. 10th, 2024
HOA Meeting Agenda: Tues., Sept. 10, 2024 | Fruitville Public Library 6:00 p.m.
- Call to Order/Quorum
- Approval of Minutes of June 12, 2024, Meeting
- Financial Report by Diane Treharne
- Raymond Road Development Project Public Meeting 10/17/24
- Street flooding: prevention action plan (to be discussed)
- Street paving: 2025 or 2026
- Gator Removal update by Craig Rapihana
- Maintenance Violations
- Fresh Start with a Cart
- Adjournment (Next Meeting: HOA Annual Meeting, Dec. 03, 2024 6:00 p.m. at the Fruitville Library )
Notice of HOA Board Meeting on 09/10/2024
NOTE: HOA Board will meet at the Fruitville Library on Tues., Sept. 10, at 6:00 pm.
The next meeting of the HOA board is Tuesday, September 11, at 6:00 pm at the Fruitville Library. We apologize that this will conflict with the Presidential Debate.
We do not yet have a final agenda but the topics likely will include: updates on pavement rescheduling, street flooding, Fresh Start with a Cart, gator removals, and problems with homeowners disregarding maintenance requirements.
We also will need to make some policy decisions as they will affect our document revisions. If that does not make it in this meeting it will be held over for the December meeting. For example, should we create an Enforcement Committee to compel adherence to governing document requirements? This Committee would be adjunct to the Modifications Committee
Please contact our HOA president Nick if you have issues you would like to see put on the agenda: nstiney@gmail.com
The annual meeting will be on December 3, 2024. Please mark your calendars for this very important meeting. We will need volunteers to join the board as the terms of 3 current directors are set to expire and we will need a quorum to vote on putting new members on the board. If you have an interest in serving on the Board in the coming new year, please let a Board member know, so we can get you the necessary forms.
Mary Lynn
Secretary, Meadow Walk HOA
FPL Is Improving The Electric System In Our Area
FPL is working on a project in our area to improve our service in good weather and bad. This project will strengthen the main powerline serving our area and is scheduled to begin 09/01/2024, and is expected to be completed by 03/31/2925.
They will be working in the area N/O Proctor Rd., E/O 1-75, W/O Lorraine Rd., S/O Palmer Blvd. FPL will do everything possible to keep any power interruptions to a minimum while the work is in progress. Should an outage of 15 minutes or more become necessary to complete the work, FPL will notify us at least five days in advance and provide details at that time.

Dear Meadow Walk Neighbors:
The HOA board met as scheduled on June 12 and we thought you would like to be kept up to date on our discussions. Not making promises, but I will try to let you know what happens at our meetings, before the minutes are posted.
Our streets have been on the County’s agenda for repaving since before COVID. We have not been able to get some confirmation as to when this project will take place. If you would like to call the County and remind them that we would like to get closer to the top of the list, we may get some results. The number is 941-861-0967. Just leave a simple message.
We have a no solicitation sign at the entrance to MW. As many you have experienced, this has not been very effective in keeping such traffic out of our neighborhood. Your suggestions as to how we could be more effective, please send them along.
The project to develop homes on Raymond Road has not yet been given County approval. However, if it comes to the point where we want to fight this project, we will need ammunition such as experts. Keep this in mind if you know or have access to experts or have specialized knowledge.
If you are one of the original homeowners and if you have knowledge as to how our governing documents were filed at the inception of the MWHOA, can you let me know?
Please feel free to contact me at my personal email with any questions or concerns: mlendter@gmail.com.
Stay dry.
Thank you,
Mary Lynn
Secretary, Meadow Walk HOA